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Fitrullah Research Institute

Monday, March 7, 2016

The Wall Street Journal: Hillary Clinton spoke at a fundraiser in Detroit Saturday after winning the Louisiana primary

Topics: Hillary Clinton spoke at a fundraiser in Detroit Saturday after winning the Louisiana primary, saying that contrary to Donald Trump's claim, "America never stopped being great." (The Wall Street Journal)

# America never stopped being great? Where have all the good paying jobs gone? Bill Clinton was the Butcher of American Jobs when he signed NAFTA! What is Hillary Clinton going to do, seal the fate of what is left of manufacturing in the United States of America? (Maine For Restoring America)

# Actually, one has to suspect that this is only part of what she said. It is quite likely that the entire sentence was " I will make America a wholly owned subsidiary of Goldman-Sachs (Stephen Lee Rich)

# Forgen the socialist dems, but we are still better off than most of the rest of the world tho...We're better off than Russia_Trump's biggest endorsement fromm what Trump calls Putin "a genius" while the rest of us are *Stupid & the draft dodger insults McCain's sacrifices $ says our military is weak while he can't even give the veterans the rest of their charity money..WE WIN MORE THAN RUSSIA, Mr. Chump!!!! (Slim Bowman)

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